
Recently I was wondering around John Lewis, desperately trying to find something to buy to eradicate the Winter Blues.  It could have been a...

Recently I was wondering around John Lewis, desperately trying to find something to buy to eradicate the Winter Blues.  It could have been anything.  At first, I looked at the Chanel counter, a new lipstick maybe but no, wasn't sure so i drifted from there to shoes to Hotel Chocolate (my absolute favorite but that's another post!)I found myself upstairs, in the bedding department where I saw a beautiful bed all made up and I had the biggest urge to just jump in get under the duvet and see if anyone would notice........hah hah, I'm sure they would...

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Cmon , hands up, how many of you have ever been to the ballet? I mean the REAL ballet, the English Royal Ballet at that!   No , me neither b...

Cmon , hands up, how many of you have ever been to the ballet? I mean the REAL ballet, the English Royal Ballet at that!  No , me neither but I thought it was about time I should and seeing as I am on a journey of enlightenment , me and a friend ventured to the London Colosseum recently to witness for ourselves exactly what we had been missing all these years. Le Corsairre ( The Pirate) is based very loosely on a poem by Lord Byron from about 1856 ! And it has, I believe been revised many many...

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As a lovely present from Mr Secret In The Cloud, tickets to CATS ! OMG! It was the penultimate show as it finished in the U.K. the very ne...

As a lovely present from Mr Secret In The Cloud, tickets to CATS! OMG! It was the penultimate show as it finished in the U.K. the very next night so for me it was a case of seeing it now or never. I never had the chance to see it first time round and I adore theatre, it's such a super way for escapism . So, after a scrumptious meal in Gouchos we  set off to The London Palladium and took our seats. To be honest, all I knew of Cats was that it was based on T.S....

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Welcome To The Other Side The greatest prison people live in, is the fear of what other people think. 2015 has been and gone........

Welcome To The Other Side The greatest prison people live in, is the fear of what other people think. 2015 has been and gone.....and we've survived it and are hopefully a little braver, stronger and wiser. Resolutions? Well, mine is to start a blog and I am not one to say something and not follow it through.  So, here I am ; I want to share with you my passions, hobbies, thoughts, likes and dislikes on everything from fashion to gadgets to holidays to pets to home and back again! And I know that sounds a little vague...

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